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Month: April 2021

Islands of Placentia Bay

Islands of Placentia Bay

View of islands near Long Island in Placentia Bay (Source:

The islands of Placentia Bay, with their rugged shorelines and beautiful wind-swept vistas, have enjoyed a centuries-long relationship with the people who have traversed this part of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Early History

Although the evidence is slim, there are indications that First Nations, namely the Beothuk, visited and perhaps made a home on the islands of Placentia Bay. Burial sites have been located on several islands and suggest they held some solemn significance for these residents (see The Beothuks or Red Indians by James P. Howley). In these early years, the islands of Placentia Bay were also part of the “domain of islands” of the Mi’Kmaq who would travel between Cape Breton and Newfoundland and Labrador.

After a while, the history of Placentia Bay began to include newer residents — the Basque, French, English and Irish whose lives eventually crossed paths with these islands. As early as the 1650s, the French Basque may have begun to over-winter in Placentia Bay. And then, in 1655, the French elected to establish a colony and garrison in Placentia, a place they called Plaisance. Already by this time, several small settlements had begun to develop on the islands of Placentia Bay. It was only a matter of time.

Caught in the tide of history, in 1713, places such as Placentia were granted to the British as part of the peace agreement known as the Treaty of Utrecht. Given this change, there was a new group of people who sought to make a home on the islands of Placentia Bay. With the opening up of Newfoundland and Labrador to Britain, settlement often followed the establishment of fishing industries such as at Oderin or Red Island on Placentia Bay. More often than not, the origins of the settlers would be Ireland from counties such as Wessex.

Later History

Since these centuries, people have been making a life on the islands of Placentia Bay. Within these diverse communities, life was intricately and determinedly wrested from land and sea with fishing, farming and berry-picking being main-stays. Into the twentieth century, a considerable number of islands held an assortment of communities.

However, social and political changes in Newfoundland and Labrador were accompanied by programmes such as Resettlement in the 1950s to 1970s. The idea was to “resettle” communities so they would be close to so-called “growth centres.” In many ways, this spelled a heart-rending end for these communities as the people resettled in places such as Placentia.

Modern Times

But loyalties and ties run deep. For many of the people who recall growing up on these islands, their former homes are etched in their hearts. Consequently, both the former inhabitants, as well as their children have organised a number of reunions that offer those connected to these places, an opportunity to share stories and reminisce. Additionally, some of the former inhabitants have, on some occasions, chosen to again live permanently on their former island homes. Otherwise, some individuals have built summer cabins that allow them to live there for the season.

And for anyone, the magic of these islands is unquestionably breathtaking. Over time, groups and individuals have organised kayaking expeditions that have provided a chance to explore and experience these islands. On other occasions, individuals have opted to ply the waters of Placentia Bay, moved by the sheer beauty of the islands, as well as by the haunting remnants of the lives that were played out on their shores. Nowadays, there is an ample amount of detailed information that avid mariners can have at hand to successfully navigate and find anchor in communities such as Indian Harbour (Merasheen Island) and Petite Forte (Placentia Bay West).

In any case, the islands of Placentia Bay remain as symbols of awe-inspiring beauty, ones that have for centuries played a quiet and yet unmistakable role in the way of life.

Sharing Kindness

Sharing Kindness

It’s a small reminder from the Dalai Lama that we can try to remember. He explained that “This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.” His words show not only how simple it can be to share kindness with others. But they also remind us of how important those kind words and deeds can be.

Three Sister Pub & Eatery

Three Sister Pub & Eatery

Three Sisters Pub & Restaurant is the most recent evolution of this part of Placentia. It arises from an interesting and intriguing history that is richly interwoven with the lives that have shaped Placentia. In the 19th century, the land on which Three Sisters Pub & Eatery is located was owned by merchant James E. Croucher.

On the 20th December, 1883, Mr. Croucher sold this part of his property — a corner lot next to the main road — to a William Siteman. In addition, Mr. Croucher also sold land to Mr. Siteman that was to the north and an ideal location to build a wharf.

Now in the twentieth century, on 15th June, 1923, Mr. Siteman sold the property to Michael J. Murphy, Master Mariner. And following the death of Mr. Murphy, his wife, Elizabeth, lived in the house until her death on 5th November, 1941.

Archbishop Roach was named as the Executor of Mrs. Murphy’s estate. At this time, Alfred Bonia expressed that Mrs. Murphy had promised to sell the house to him. Thus, in 1943, Archbishop Roach ensured the house was sold for $600.00 to Mr. Bonia. Additionally, the two pieces of property along the waterfront and the corner lot were separated and legally recognised as two pieces of property.

The story of Belle’s Restaurant comes closer to the present when in the middle of the last century, Mr. Bonia sold the house to Isabel Byrne in 1944. Like her parents who had owned a store across the Bay, Isabel Byrne lived in the house and operated a store. Soon after and for the next few decades, Belle helped to usher in what came to be known as Belle Byrne’s Store. Then, in 1997, the house was purchased by Ernest and Geraldine Kelly who, after extensive renovations, re-opened on the 12th December, 1997 as Belle’s Restaurant.

And the latest incarnation of this building closely follows this tradition. In 2009, the building changed hands and following significant renovations that altered the interior, it was yet again reinvented as the Three Sisters Pub & Eatery. Although, it is simply known as The Three Sister’s nowadays. Like its predecessors, this establishment has nestled into the heart of the community.

The evolution of this piece of property has witnessed its journey over the decades and despite a shift from a general store to a restaurant and now a pub and restaurant, the spirit of the place remains intact.

(Note: Much of the information is derived from a hand-out that was given to patrons at the Belle’s Restaurant when it was owned by the Kelly family)